Attention all Last of Us fans! Did you know that there’s a mistake in the game that almost no one has found?

Amidst all the clickers and runners, there’s something else lurking in the skies above. Can you guess what it is? No? Well, let me enlighten you.

The mistake is none other than the presence of plane trails in the sky! You heard it right, folks. While Ellie and Joel were busy navigating their way through the apocalypse, planes were soaring overhead.

But don’t worry, you’re not the only one who missed it. The mistake was only recently pointed out by eagle-eyed Reddit user ‘meteors77’.

But wait, why are there planes in the game anyway? Are they part of some secret government operation or perhaps carrying survivors from other parts of the world?

Fans have come up with various theories, but one Redditor, ‘passthegabagool’, has cracked the case. It turns out that Naughty Dog simply reused the skybox from Uncharted. Talk about lazy programming!

It’s a shame that such a mystery turned out to be a mere oversight, but hey, it’s not like the Last of Us is lacking in thrills and chills.

And who knows, maybe this mistake will become a plot point in the next installment of the game. Imagine Ellie hijacking a plane to escape the infected! Okay, maybe that’s a bit far-fetched, but a gamer can dream, right?

If you missed the plane trails in the Last of Us, don’t feel bad – you’re not alone.

But now that you know, it’s hard not to imagine a bunch of survivors high up in the clouds, fighting off clickers and runners mid-flight. Naughty Dog, if you’re listening, please make it happen!