Fans of No Man’s Sky are eagerly anticipating a sequel. 

In this article, we delve into the possibilities of No Man’s Sky 2, and improvements from the original we would love to see in a sequel. 

No Mans Sky 2 concept
A concept of what No Mans Sky 2 could look like

From diverse planetary landscapes to enhanced combat tactics, this wishlist envisions a sequel that not only refines the No Man’s Sky experience but improves it in several ways. 

Join us as we dream of a sequel that elevates the celestial odyssey, adding layers of complexity and intrigue to the expansive universe of No Man’s Sky.

RELATED: How Many Planets are in No Man’s Sky?

10. Multiple Biomes Per Planets

No Man's Sky 2 multiple biomes
No Man’s Sky 2 would benefit from having multiple biomes per planet

No Man’s Sky currently confines planets to a sole biome, limiting the richness of exploration. 

We would love a more Earth-like diversity where each planet hosts various biomes. 

Imagine traversing from lush forests to arid deserts, turning each celestial body into a unique microcosm. 

This enhancement would elevate the adventure, making every planetary landing a journey through a spectrum of environments, encouraging discovery and immersion. 

With varied landscapes and climates, planets would become dynamic, engaging worlds, enriching the exploration experience and creating a more varied landscape for players to uncover.

9. More Ship Types

No Mans Sky 2 multiple ship types
No Mans Sky 2 needs to increase the number of ship types

While No Man’s Sky presents a vast array of ships, diversity in design can fall short. 

No Man’s Sky 2 should embrace a plethora of ship types, tailoring them to specific galaxies. 

Picture rusted and rugged cargo vessels dominating industrial galaxies, and sleek and unusual explorers defining the uncharted realms. 

Introducing a wider spectrum of ship designs, each aligning with the distinct aesthetics of various galaxies, would elevate the sense of variety and realism in the cosmic expanse. 

This addition would promise not only a functional improvement but also a visually compelling journey through the diverse and specialised vessels that traverse the vastness of space.

8. More Alien Races

No Mans Sky 2 more alien races
We would love to see No Mans Sky 2 up the alien race count

No Man’s Sky introduces just six alien races – Gek, Vy’keen, Korvax, Autophage, Travellers, and Anomalies. 

The prospect of more races being added, fostering increased interaction among them, is an exciting proposition. 

A diverse array of alien civilizations would not only expand the galactic community but also introduce new narrative arcs, alliances, and conflicts. 

The resulting enhanced interaction between these races could significantly enrich the game’s lore, offering players a more immersive and engaging experience as they navigate the complexities of a universe teeming with diverse and enigmatic extraterrestrial entities.

7. Better Tactical Combat

No Mans Sky 2 better combat
No Mans Sky 2 needs to have more varied combat

No Man’s Sky currently features straightforward combat, limited to basic shooting and alternative abilities. 

A sequel should embrace a more diverse combat system. 

This could include a range of ammunition types and various weapon styles, from long-range rifles to handguns. 

By introducing these elements, the combat experience would become more strategic and immersive. 

Players could adapt their approach dynamically, responding to challenges that vary from intense space battles to ground skirmishes, injecting a newfound depth and versatility into the tactical aspects of the game.

6. A New Periodic Table

No Mans Sky 2 new periodic table
A No Mans Sky sequel could see a brand new periodic table

No Man’s Sky introduced a diverse array of resources, including elements, minerals, and alloys. 

However, for a sequel like No Man’s Sky 2, a more profound and intricate approach is warranted. 

Imagine a completely new periodic table, one that delves into richer interactions between elements. 

Such a system would not only enhance crafting and resource management but fundamentally transform the essence of the game’s universe. 

Flora and fauna could then embody genuinely unique combinations of elemental composition, adding a layer of complexity that enriches the overall experience of exploration and discovery.

RELATED: What is Aronium in No Man’s Sky?

5. Better Procedural Generation

No Mans Sky 2 better procedural generation
No Man’s Sky 2 should improve its procedural generation to make every planet feel unique

No Man’s Sky boasted an incredible variety of rocks, plants, and animals, but a significant portion ended up sharing resemblances. 

For No Man’s Sky 2, an improvement in random procedural generation is essential, aiming for an exceptionally rare occurrence of finding two similar animals.

Elevating procedural generation would transform every exploration into a singular adventure. 

The goal is to present players with a visually stunning and diverse array of planetary features, creatures, and landscapes, ensuring that each discovery becomes a genuinely unique and awe-inspiring experience.

4. More Mission Variety

No Mans Sky 2 more mission variety
No Man’s Sky 2 would definitely need more mission variety

No Man’s Sky occasionally falls into the trap of repetitive missions. 

A sequel should aim for a more nuanced mission structure akin to the captivating expeditions in No Man’s Sky, or the mission structures of Starfield.

Implementing a sophisticated mission system, rich in narrative depth, unique challenges, and unexpected twists, would ensure player engagement within the expansive cosmic landscape. 

Diversifying missions, in a similar way to Skyrim, could encompass diplomatic ventures, thrilling space skirmishes, and a myriad of other immersive experiences, creating a more dynamic and captivating gameplay loop.

3. Exocraft Overhauls

No Mans Sky 2 exocraft overhaul
No Mans Sky 2 should completely overhaul the exocrafts to make them useful

The Exocrafts in No Man’s Sky often felt like an afterthought, lacking in diverse functionalities, outside of scanning. 

A sequel should address these issues, potentially introducing specialised features like more underwater exploration and underground mining vehicles.

A comprehensive overhaul of exocrafts, giving them distinct roles would elevate their significance in gameplay. 

Integrating these vehicles as essential components of the exploration toolkit could add depth to planetary traversal, making them more than mere conveniences for players.

2. Multi-Person Vehicles

No Mans Sky 2 multi-person vehicles
Being able to board a vehicle with a friend would be a great addition to No Man’s Sky 2

No Man’s Sky boasts an excellent multiplayer aspect, enhanced by complete crossplay. 

However, the absence of multi-person ships or exocrafts occasionally results in individuals doing their own thing in proximity rather than functioning as a cohesive group.

Introducing multi-person ships and exocrafts for multiplayer exploration could foster a greater sense of camaraderie among players. 

Cooperative gameplay would extend beyond base-building, allowing players to venture together into the vast expanse of the cosmos, creating shared adventures and experiences.

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1. A Better Launch

No Mans Sky 2 better launch
No Mans Sky 2 launch needs to hit the ground running

No Man’s Sky’s initial release garnered a significantly negative reception. 

No Man’s Sky 2 must prioritise delivering on promises from the outset. 

Drawing from past experiences, a sequel’s launch should stand as a testament to realised commitments, engaging gameplay, and robust multiplayer experiences. 

Establishing and upholding player trust from day one would not only guarantee a positive reception but also contribute to the ongoing prosperity of the No Man’s Sky universe.


While we fantasize about the potential wonders of No Man’s Sky 2, it’s crucial to acknowledge the greatness of the original game.

As of now, the sequel remains a speculative dream, with no official announcement.

The talented minds at Hello Games are currently immersed in crafting ‘Light No Fire,’ their next gaming venture.

Regardless of future developments, the existing No Man’s Sky community can revel in the vastness of the current universe.

The excitement for potential features enriches the experience, reminding us that the journey through the cosmos is an ever-evolving.

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