In 2016, the gaming universe witnessed the release of No Man’s Sky, a groundbreaking project developed by Hello Games. 

Initially, the game faced criticism for unmet expectations. 

However, Hello Games didn’t falter; instead, they committed to transforming No Man’s Sky into a celestial masterpiece. 

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Fast forward to today, and the game stands as an exemplar of redemption. 

Beyond its captivating exploration and limitless potential, the pivotal question remains: How Many Planets are in No Man’s Sky? 

Join us on a journey through the cosmos to unravel the vast expanse of this procedurally generated universe.

How Many Planets are in No Man’s Sky?

how many planets are in no mans sky

Within the expansive realm of No Man’s Sky lies an astronomical wonder — a staggering 18 quintillion planets, each a testament to the game’s commitment to boundless exploration. 

This mind-boggling number is not a mere statistic; it encapsulates the essence of No Man’s Sky’s procedural generation engine. 

This technology birthed an absolutely gigantic universe, each planet bearing distinctive landscapes, weather patterns, and ecosystems. 

From lush, verdant paradises to harsh, desolate wastelands, the variety is unparalleled.

The possibilities for planets, with an astronomical 18 quintillion seeds, are awe-inspiring, yet the game currently utilises a fraction of them—approximately 2 quadrillion planets are accessible in the vanilla game.

Embarking on this cosmic odyssey, players are bestowed with the role of intrepid explorers, traversing a virtually infinite galaxy. 

The allure of No Man’s Sky lies not only in its quantitative enormity but in the qualitative richness found on every planet. 

The terrain, replete with mountains, valleys, and oceans, weaves a narrative of its own. Meanwhile, the myriad lifeforms populating these worlds, from quirky creatures to soaring fauna, contribute to the immersive experience.

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How Many Planet Types are in No Man’s Sky?

In the expansive universe of No Man’s Sky, planetary diversity is a hallmark, and these celestial bodies come in eleven distinctive types, each with distinct features. 

Barren Planets

barren planets no mans sky

Barren planets, while seemingly desolate, offer unique advantages. With a lack of hazardous elements, they make excellent secondary bases. Expect heat storms in deserts, but explore freely, especially if alien sandworms are absent. Harvest Cactii and consider them safe havens for resource collection.

Dead Planets

dead planets no mans sky

These airless expanses, devoid of life, make ideal candidates for bases. With no threats, they provide abundant resources. As lifeless realms, the quietude ensures peace and safety for resource gathering before moving on.

Exotic Planets

exotic planets no mans sky

Unpredictable and diverse, Exotic planets offer unique landscapes, gold deposits, and extraordinary terrain. Ideal for intrepid explorers, they celebrate variety and can become captivating homes.

Frozen Planets

frozen planets no mans sky

Frozen planets, challenging with icy terrains and storms, offer Dioxite, Frost Crystals, and Storm Crystals. Equipping extra thermal layers is crucial for survival.

Irradiated Planets

irradiated planets no mans sky

With radiation hazards, these planets yield Uranium and Radon, essential for trading and crafting. Bio-hazard suits are vital, and beware of radioactive storms.

Lush Planets

lush planets no mans sky

Lush planets, Earth-like and abundant, provide a perfect environment for bases. Rich in flora and fauna, they are ideal for both solo and multiplayer bases.

Marsh Planets

marsh planets no mans sky

Free from hazardous environments, Marsh planets boast abundant flora and fauna. Ideal for resource collection, they offer a serene and hospitable landscape.

Mega Exotic Planets

mega exotic planets no mans sky

Introduced with the NEXT update, Mega Exotic planets present larger versions of familiar features. Look for specific atmospheres in red, green, and blue star systems.

Scorched Planets

scorched planets no mans sky

With searing conditions and unpredictable weather, Scorched planets yield Phosphorus, Solanium, and Sulphurine. Bio-hazard suits are crucial for survival.

Toxic Planets

toxic planets no mans sky

Blanketed by noxious gases, Toxic planets challenge explorers with mutated flora. Ammonia, Nitrogen, and Fungal Mould are abundant resources.

Volcanic Planets

volcanic planets no mans sky

Covered in volcanoes, Volcanic planets are hazardous with toxic air and eruptions. Not recommended for bases due to instability. Ideal for resource mining but proceed with caution.

How Many Planet Terrain Types are in No Man’s Sky?

Terrain diversity further enriches the planetary experience. 

No Man’s Sky features 9 distinct terrain types:


Pangean planets in No Man’s Sky are stark landscapes devoid of water. 

These arid realms provide a unique and challenging environment for exploration, encouraging intrepid travellers to navigate vast stretches of land without the respite of oceans or lakes.


Continental planets feature expansive land masses separated by oceans, lakes, or seas. 

The juxtaposition of large continents and water bodies offers diverse terrain for exploration, creating a captivating blend of interconnected land and water environments.


Riverland planets are characterised by the absence of large oceans. 

Instead, ravines with occasional water features define the landscape, adding a rare and unique element to these worlds. 

Explorers might encounter intricate canyon systems with water flowing through them.


Wetlands present a planet without large oceans, where extensive low-level water covers substantial areas. 

Land masses are frequently separated by shallow water, offering a distinct environment. 

These worlds showcase the beauty of interconnected land and water habitats.


Swamp planets, lacking large oceans, are adorned with isolated landlocked water bodies. 

While devoid of ocean-continental formations, these planets feature unique ecosystems around the landlocked water, providing a diverse landscape for exploration.


Archipelago planets are characterised by mountainous terrains and various levels of island chains. 

With large oceans interspersed with islands of varying density, these worlds offer a picturesque blend of elevated landscapes and open water.

Island Chains

Island Chains represent small, flat islands or chains with a mix of shallow and deep oceans. 

Comprising more than 50% water, these worlds feature mid-sized islands rising from the ocean floor, creating a predominantly aquatic environment.


Oceanic planets, comprising 80% or more water, sporadically feature rare islands. 

These vast expanses of water provide a serene yet challenging environment for those seeking to explore the depths of No Man’s Sky.


Reef planets stand out as unique environments devoid of any dry land masses. 

These submerged realms showcase intricate underwater ecosystems, making them both fascinating and challenging for underwater exploration.

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How Many Galaxies are in No Man’s Sky?

In the vast expanse of No Man’s Sky, exploration extends beyond individual planets to encompass a complex tapestry of galaxies. 

Currently, the universe boasts a total of 256 galaxies, each a celestial canvas of stars, planets, and enigmatic discoveries. 

These galaxies are numbered from 0 through 255 in hexadecimal, a numerical spectrum that ranges from 00 to FF, totaling 256 unique cosmic realms.

Embarking on this celestial odyssey, players initiate their journey in the first galaxy, Euclid, progressing through subsequent galaxies by either reaching the Galaxy Centre or advancing through the New Beginnings primary mission. 

As they traverse these galaxies, the challenges intensify, offering varying degrees of difficulty and distinct characteristics.

It’s important to note that No Man’s Sky provides players with the opportunity to transition between galaxies, either through reaching the Galaxy Centre or completing specific missions. 

However, these transitions are not without risks, with various hazards and potential damages occurring during the intergalactic transfer. 

The cosmic tapestry of No Man’s Sky is not only a playground for exploration but also a testament to the game’s vast, interconnected, and intricate universe.


No Man’s Sky, with its mind-boggling number of planets, diverse landscapes, and multiple galaxies, stands as a monumental achievement in gaming. 

Hopefully this article has answered your question of how many planets are in No Man’s Sky.

The universe it presents is not just vast but intricately detailed, encouraging players to become intrepid explorers in an ever-expanding cosmos. 

The game’s continuous updates ensure that the journey through its galaxies remains an enthralling and unpredictable adventure. 

So, gear up, pilot your starship, and set forth into the boundless wonders of No Man’s Sky.

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