Skyrim is a game that is full of surprises, and one of the most unexpected discoveries a player has recently made is the ability to behead ghosts. While it doesn’t affect gameplay in any meaningful way, it’s still a fascinating quirk of Skyrim’s game engine that speaks to the odd quirks of Bethesda‘s Creation Engine.

For those unfamiliar with the game, Skyrim is an open-world action role-playing game set in a fantasy world. Players can explore vast landscapes, complete quests, and engage in combat with a wide variety of enemies, including ghosts. While ghosts are not notoriously difficult to defeat, Reddit user ‘tehminioven’ has discovered that they can behead with a finishing move.

This discovery has no real impact on gameplay, but it’s still a fascinating aspect of Skyrim’s programming. It speaks to the developers’ sometimes bizarre decisions with regard to the in-game engine, as everyone surely remembers Fallout New Vegas’ train being an NPC with a train hat. It also demonstrates the unexpected interactions between player actions and the game world.

So while beheading ghosts in Skyrim might not change the course of the game, it’s still a surprising and entertaining quirk that adds to the overall enjoyment of the experience.

It’s not the only ghostly story to come out recently, a few days ago a ghost gatecrashed a Skyrim players wedding, causing confusion and bewilderment.