In the realm of the Skyrim SE Nexus, where players seek to enhance their gaming experience, combat mods can really enhance your gameplay.

These mods bring a new level of excitement and immersion to the already exhilarating combat system of Skyrim Special Edition.

These mods may not add much in the way of increased immersion, but will drastically improve the feel, weight and fun of combat.

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From overhauling combat mechanics to adding new animations and features, these mods offer a wide range of improvements that will make every battle feel more intense and satisfying.

In this article, we will explore the greatest Skyrim SE Nexus Combat Mods, each offering unique enhancements to the combat gameplay.

10. Combat Gameplay Overhaul

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Combat Gameplay Overhaul is a comprehensive mod that introduces several exciting features to combat and movement.

With responsive dodge rolls, procedural leaning, grip changing, mid-air combat, striking with staffs, and dual-wielding two-handed weapons, this mod breathes new life into Skyrim’s combat system.

The addition of 1st and 3rd person weapon animations adds an extra layer of immersion, making each swing and parry feel more impactful.

Whether you’re gracefully dodging an enemy’s attack or decimating foes with your dual-wielded weapons, CGO adds a fresh dynamic to combat.

9. Modern Brawl Bug Fix

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Brawling in Skyrim can be a frustrating experience, often resulting in broken fights or turning into full-blown battles.

That’s where the Modern Brawl Bug Fix comes in.

This mod addresses the infamous “Brawl Bug,” which cancels brawls when any magic effect is applied to either participant.

Compatible with any mod, the Modern Brawl Bug Fix ensures that brawls play out as intended, allowing you to settle disputes with your fists instead of your weapons.

It might not make any drastic changes to your game, but will stop you getting frustrated at hand-to-hand combat in Bethesda’s world.

8. Ultimate Combat

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Ultimate Combat is a combat overhaul mod that focuses on enhancing game enjoyment and ease of play.

It aims to make Skyrim feel more like a fast-paced action game without sacrificing the core elements of the RPG.

With diverse enemy behaviors, including dash attacks, continuous attacks, dodging, and spellcasting, Ultimate Combat keeps you on your toes during every encounter.

The addition of special attacks, such as continuous attacks and wide rotation attacks, adds variety and excitement to combat.

Whether you’re facing off against a human, draugr, dragon priest, or giant, Ultimate Combat ensures that each battle is a thrilling test of skill.

The improvements this mod brings to the world of the Elder Scrolls means it’s name is very suitable, as it is one of the ultimate Skyrim SE Nexus combat mods.

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7. Mortal Enemies

Mortal Enemies improves Skyrim’s combat by removing the aimbot-like attacks of creatures and imposing movement limits on NPCs while they are attacking.

This mod brings a new level of challenge to combat by removing the ability of enemies to track the player with 100% accuracy.

Melee combat becomes a strategic dance of spacing, reactions, tactics, and positioning.

With Mortal Enemies, battles require precision and thoughtful maneuvering, making each victory feel hard-earned and rewarding.

6. Archery Gameplay Overhaul

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Archery Gameplay Overhaul is a must-have mod for any aspiring archer in Skyrim.

This mod introduces new animations, including nocked arrows, bleeding effects, persistent arrows, and arrow enchanting to both bows and crossbows.

The improved animations add a realistic and immersive touch to archery, making each shot feel more satisfying.

The ability to enchant arrows using spells or rare rings adds a new layer of customization and strategic depth to your archery build.

Whether you’re sniping enemies from a distance or unleashing a flurry of arrows in close quarters, Archery Gameplay Overhaul enhances the archery experience in Skyrim.

5. Pretty Combat Animations

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Pretty Combat Animations is a mod that provides a variety of new weapon idle animations for both first and third-person perspectives.

With a full set of animations, including walking, running, and turning, this mod allows you to choose different styles to replace the vanilla animations.

Whether you prefer a more elegant and graceful combat style or a fierce and brutal approach, Pretty Combat Animations has something to suit your taste.

By replacing the default animations, this mod adds a fresh visual flair to combat, making each swing of your weapon more visually appealing.

4. Wildcat – Combat of Skyrim

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Wildcat – Combat of Skyrim is a streamlined combat overhaul that aims to make combat more dangerous, visceral, and responsive.

With increased lethality, injuries, context-sensitive stagger, and improved combat AI, Wildcat delivers a more immersive and challenging combat experience.

The mod introduces features like attacks of opportunity, timed blocking, and faster combat, making each battle more intense and engaging.

Whether you’re facing off against a pack of bandits or a fearsome dragon, Wildcat ensures that every encounter is a fight for your life.

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3. TK Dodge

TK Dodge is a mod that adds dodge animations to Skyrim, allowing players to evade attacks with style and finesse.

Whether you’re wielding weapons, spells, staffs, or fighting unarmed, this mod enables you to perform dodges by using key presses or double-tapping directional keys.

With quick response and invincibility frames during the dodge, TK Dodge adds a new layer of tactical depth to combat.

Whether you’re narrowly avoiding a dragon’s fire breath or sidestepping an enemy’s swing, TK Dodge gives you the agility and flexibility to survive even the toughest battles.

2. True Directional Movement

True Directional Movement is a comprehensive mod that overhauls third-person gameplay in Skyrim, bringing it closer to modern action RPGs.

With the ability to move and attack in any direction, a custom target lock system, animated target reticle widget, and improved mounted combat, this mod revolutionizes the way you experience combat.

True Directional Movement offers modular and customizable features, allowing you to tailor your combat experience to your preferences.

Whether you’re engaging in fast-paced melee combat or expertly aiming your arrows, True Directional Movement enhances the fluidity and responsiveness of combat.

1. VioLens – A Killmove Mod

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VioLens – A Killmove Mod, is the ultimate killmove mod, giving players in-game control over both ranged and melee killmoves.

With customization options for killmove selection, camera view, last enemy restriction, player killmove immunity, and more, VioLens puts the power of stylish and brutal killmoves in your hands.

Whether you want to execute your enemies with cinematic flair or turn the tide of battle with precise and deadly strikes, VioLens offers a wide range of options to suit your playstyle.

It’s time to unleash your inner warrior and make your mark on the blood-soaked battlefields of Skyrim, and it is why it is number one on our list of the greatest Skyrim SE Nexus combat mods.


In the realm of Skyrim SE Nexus, these combat mods elevate the already thrilling combat system of Skyrim Special Edition to new heights.

Whether you prefer graceful dodges, brutal killmoves, or immersive animations, there’s a mod on this list to suit your tastes.

So, gear up, sharpen your blades, and prepare for an epic adventure filled with intense battles and unforgettable moments.

The world of Skyrim awaits your valorous deeds!

NEXT UP: The Best Skyrim SE Immersion Mods on Nexus Mods